What you need to know about NAPLAN Online 2025

As a parent, teacher, aunt or uncle, I am sure you have heard about the National Assessment Program–Literacy and Numeracy–known as NAPLAN.

All schools are gradually transitioning to NAPLAN Online. The Year 3 Writing Test is an exception and it will continue to be paper-based until more research is undertaken about the benefits and/or disadvantages of using a device for writing.

NAPLAN Test topics comprise Writing, Reading, Numeracy and Conventions of Language.


What are the benefits of NAPLAN Online?

The NSW Department of Education states that NAPLAN Online brings new benefits for teachers and students.

The main benefits of NAPLAN Online include:

  • more accurate results and information
  • tailored testing which provides students with questions suited to their abilities, giving more detailed individual assessments
  • fast and accurate results which help streamline teaching to students' specific needs.

What is tailored testing?

Each test automatically adapts to each student’s performance and matches questions to their level of achievement. This type of testing allows students to show their knowledge more effectively. It also gives schools and teachers accurate and precise information on each student’s performance.


How can I help my child prepare for the NAPLAN tests?

We understand the lead-up to the NAPLAN tests can be daunting and stressful for both students and parents. To reduce negative feelings towards NAPLAN your child should prepare with online test practice. This can bring confidence, calmness and improved results.

Our NAPLAN* Online–style Test Packs help students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Provide your child with the best online test experience. Your child will complete hundreds of practice NAPLAN* Online–style questions until they become familiar with the different question types and formats.


The main benefits of using the NAPLAN* Onlinestyle Test Pack:

  • 365-day access to test practice and support in NAPLAN*–style subjects.
  • A great tool students can use anywhere, anytime—most students find online assessments more engaging.
  • Track your child's improvements by checking their national ranking against other students who use Excel Test Zone.
  • No need to mark your child’s tests—results are available instantly.
  • Instant test results allow parents to pinpoint the subjects that require more focus.




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