Tips for holiday learning

Although it is important to have fun and enjoy some well-earned time off during the holiday period, it is important for your child to revise and prepare for the year ahead. Here are some of our top tips for holiday learning!


Set up goals

As a parent, you can help your child stay focused and motivated during their holiday break by setting specific goals and objectives for their learning. Start by identifying weak points in their knowledge or by asking them what they want to learn or accomplish, and then help them create a plan to achieve those goals.

For example, if your child's goal is to improve their math skills, you could help them set a goal to complete a certain number of practice tests on Excel Test Zone, or to reach a certain mark in a test or assignment.


Create a schedule

Creating a schedule and sticking to it is crucial to staying on track with your child's holiday learning. Help them allocate specific times for learning, and make sure to set aside time for breaks and fun activities as well.

For example, you might decide to have your child spend one hour each morning on their studies. Having a clear plan can help them stay organised and avoid getting overwhelmed. This hour could be as simple as completing a few practice tests on Excel Test Zone!


Make it fun!

Making learning fun and enjoyable can help keep your child motivated and engaged. Try incorporating games or other interactive activities into their learning routine and reward them for making progress towards their goals.

For example, you could play a game to help them practice their vocabulary or give them a small reward each time they complete a difficult practice test. By making learning enjoyable, your child will be more likely to stick with it and make real progress.


These tips are very useful in helping your child make the most of their holiday break and continue learning and growing even when school is not in session. Remember to encourage them to stay focused, stay motivated, and have fun with their holiday learning.


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